Podcast: 2020 season in limbo and MLB Draft recap with Jim Callis

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Guest: Jim Callis, MLB.com

This podcast is split into three parts.

The first third is looking at the Coronavirus landscape changing this past week, and it impacts on MLB returning. Is it too late for both parties to find a middle ground when more positive cases are being reported out of team camps?

The second third [32:57], we are joined by our good friend from MLB.com, Jim Callis, to recap the 2020 MLB Draft. The White Sox front-loaded their draft with Garrett Crochet and Jared Kelley. Is this a wise decision to put most of their eggs in two pitchers? Jim also gives a grim preview of how Coronavirus will impact the 2021 draft.

The last act is your questions in P.O. Sox. [70:18]


Josh has alluded to not being psyched about the โ€œupcomingโ€ season in some of his tweets. Jim, youโ€™ve expressed some ambivalence, too. Do you two think youโ€™ll be detached from a potential season or will you cautiously embrace a season?

For the record, Iโ€™d be delighted if the game returns and be ready for the moment the season is wiped out by a COVID breakout.

Trooper Galactus

Given Crochet was considered a bit of a reach at 11 and Kelley WAY undervalued at 47, do you think thereโ€™s any chance Kelley gets a larger signing bonus and Crochet winds up under slot?


What ballpark food do you miss the most these days?

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  • Josh Nelson

    Josh Nelson is the host and producer of the Sox Machine Podcast. For show suggestions, guest appearances, and sponsorship opportunities, you can reach him via email at josh@soxmachine.com.

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We are at the point in the calendar when, in years past, I’d settle into my seat about 20 feet behind home plate at a Cyclones game with a hot Italian sausage with grilled peppers and onions in one hand and an ice-cold Brooklyn Pennant Ale in the other hand. That combination tastes better at the ballpark, and I won’t try to replicate it at home even with reruns of College World Series games available on TV.

Jim Margalus

Crochet signed for slot.