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Leftover thoughts from the White Sox' front-row seats to Angels with Dirty Crew Chiefs:

*Ozzie Guillen was surprisingly demure after the game, and I guess a comeback victory will do that -- no point in risking a suspension with just 20 games left. We'll see if Major League Baseball has anything more to say, but I wonder if they'd be more motivated to reprimand the crew had the Sox lost as a direct result of two more phantom balk calls delivered by Angel Hernandez. Instead, they overcame it.
Still, it's just a little worrisome that the White Sox' playoff hopes might rest in crew chief Joe West's clammy, puffy hands. It's not a good sign when an umpire has his own tag here.
*My theory: Joe West wasn't just behind the two Mark Buehrle balks, buthe's also responsible for ordering Chris Sale to remove his bling. Assomebody who can't fit anything around his neck, he thought Sale wasshowing him up.
*Josh Fields was awfully kind to make us feel better about Mark Teahen. I maintain the former is better than the latter defensively, as Fields has no problems making accurate throws, but his hands are still suspect.
*Brent Morel earned his first career hit, taking Bruce Chen over the center field fence for home run No. 1. That should keep him in the lineup for a couple more days, which would then set him up nicely for the first two games against the Minnesota Twins, when they start lefties Francisco Liriano and Brian Duensing.
*Carlos Quentin has gone 87 plate appearances without a homer. If the season ends with a lengthy power outage, the Sox have a difficult decision on their hands.

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