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Record Date: 12/28/2023


  • [Intro] Jim is back from holiday break
  • [3:22] White Sox sign Martin Maldonado in an attempt to solidify the catching position. Josh and Jim like what Maldonado brings in blocking and countering the running game, but his poor framing is a big concern.
  • [27:24] Maybe Tim Hill is a poor man's Aaron Bummer. A lot will depend on how Hill heals from a ligament injury in his throwing hand and if he can regain velocity with his sinker.
  • [41:41] This episode marks the last in 2023 calendar year. A HUGE thank you to everyone who listened during a 101-loss season.

During the podcast, we promoted our 2024 Road Trip to Kansas City, co-hosting with our friends, FromThe108, July 18 - 21, 2024. Communications will be sent later today to provide early details of what we plan for that weekend. If you plan to join us in Kansas City, please complete the form below to receive emails about the event.

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