Happy New Year

Let’s usher in 2010 with some help from Ozzie Guillen, Harold Baines, Joey Cora and the guys from Oral Sox.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNhgA5knrZA[/youtube] In other news:
*Daniel Hudson won the Minor League Overall Starter of the Year award for his work across all four levels of the White Sox farm system.
*Carlos Torres took home the award for starting pitchers at Triple-A thanks to his fine season with the Knights.

Was there something that “clicked” for Torres this year that enabled him to do so?
“Yes and no,” he said, from his home in central California. “With the curveball, I came into Spring Training and asked what I needed to do to get better. They said, ‘You need to also be able to throw off-speed,’ and I just said ‘Done.'”
He felt comfortable almost immediately working his curve regularly into the mix. The changeup, he admitted, took a little longer and, in fact, is still what he terms “a work in progress.” But the White Sox allowed him to work with it and develop it on the job. They’ve been very pleased with the results so far.

*And Pima County gets kicked in the nuts by the White Sox … again.


  • Jim Margalus

    Writing about the White Sox for a 16th season, first here, then at South Side Sox, and now here again. Letโ€™s talk curling.

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I think Torres could be a serviceable major league pitcher. He reminds me of a Victor Zambrano type, eats up innings and pitches ok. I bet KW trades him.