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Fryler Tost: short-order cook extraordinaire. Scattered, smothered, and covered.
5 years ago
more anagram than spoonerism, but “Jeez Mile Yon” he hit thata one
and this young hurler will no doubt be promoted once he’s “sanely aced” his remaining minor league list of improvements/service time
$2+ gets us this amazing writing and analysis every day. $10 adds a pint/coaster set. At what monetary level does the filthy, dirty content kick in so we can include the likes of Hunter Keil? Now that I think of it, this Hindenburg of an offseason is quite obscene enough and all that cost us was a small chunk of our souls. Sorry for the dour. Darn Guinness.
We were having a fantasy baseball draft ages ago and some dads had their kids there. Â One guy kept doing this with his picks. Without thinking he then drafted Chuck Finley. Â
5 years ago
+1 for remembering that hilarious Teve Torbes SNL sketch
Dr. Seuss story about beard care
Slow clap building to thunderous applause
Much needed content in these dourest of times.
Dane Dunning
Sorry, Couldn’t resist being that guy.
Byce Brush will sweep you off your feet during Valentine’s Day and the double play pivot.
Note Nalan
Raz Livera is an unconventionally delicious entree.
Baskin-Robbins’ flavor of the month.
Makes me glad we didn’t pick up Lorn Tabrum.
Would’ve thought Bores’ repertoire was 90mph four-seam fastball, 90mph four-seam fastball, 90mph four-seam fastball, and 90mph four-seam fastball.
Bores only talks in well established idioms that are widely understood by everyone in the industry.
Bores is a groundball pitcher because strikeouts and dingers are too exciting.
Clearly the Tommy Kah…….Kommy Tahnle trade was so Hick Rahn could have his Bluthers.
Fryler Tost: short-order cook extraordinaire. Scattered, smothered, and covered.
more anagram than spoonerism, but “Jeez Mile Yon” he hit thata one
and this young hurler will no doubt be promoted once he’s “sanely aced” his remaining minor league list of improvements/service time
$2+ gets us this amazing writing and analysis every day. $10 adds a pint/coaster set. At what monetary level does the filthy, dirty content kick in so we can include the likes of Hunter Keil? Now that I think of it, this Hindenburg of an offseason is quite obscene enough and all that cost us was a small chunk of our souls. Sorry for the dour. Darn Guinness.
And Jose Ruiz’s pornographic gardening.
New show idea — “Sox Machine After Dark” with your hosts Jim, Josh (and Frankie) in velvet smoking jackets…yup, darn Guinness.
Batman shoulda got a THACH! in there.
These spoonerisms have that je ne sais quoi. They’re Like MaValliere.
We were having a fantasy baseball draft ages ago and some dads had their kids there. Â One guy kept doing this with his picks. Without thinking he then drafted Chuck Finley. Â
+1 for remembering that hilarious Teve Torbes SNL sketch
“Grenator? I don’t know why the author felt he had to disguise the word ‘senator.'”