First Pitch: White Sox vs. Astros
TV: NBC Sports Chicago
(AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker on Flickr)
Writing about the White Sox for a 16th season, first here, then at South Side Sox, and now here again. Let’s talk curling.
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Mendick isn’t making plays in key situations I’ll say that
Well at least we have a fresh arm to absorb some bullpen innings.
Hey Gordon, if the pace of play feels slow to you, imagine how we feel listening to you doing the color commentary.
Am I missing something? I can’t understand why YermÃn is the regular DH and hitting 5th at this point. I’m not thrilled at the idea of Jake Lamb being the everyday DH, but YermÃn hitting 5th is just a gift to the other team right now.
Since *April* 30, YermÃn has a .545 OPS and 56 wRC+. Heck, give some PAs to Lamb, Collins, Sheets, Burger, Cease… anybody!
Yeah he’s pretty bad right now. I thought they had gold when he started out like he did in April. Now you have to wonder if he is going to come around again. I’m all for giving anybody else a chance, Sheets and Burger preferably. I don’t think Lamb or Collins will ever be productive except possibly for very short stints. Even Tim Beckham suddenly found his power stroke, fifth homer tonight in his last 3 games for Charlotte. They are probably going to have to consider sending Yermin down at some point, sadly.
So tonight makes them 2-0 vs lefties and 0-2 vs righties on the week. That seems to be the biggest determining factor when facing good teams. Will be interesting to see if they manage to split with the Stros with 2 righties set to start for them the next 3 games.
This isn’t game related but seeing the old footage of the Astrodome they showed reminded me of the years when the Sox had artificial turf on the infield but grass in the outfield. I think that was because Allyn wanted turf but was too cheap to pay for the entire field.
Our oft-injured weak hitting 2nd baseman is out-slugging our 3rd baseman and DH.