New Show Announcement: Nine Innings

One of the great things about being quarantined during a virus outbreak is the opportunity to flex the creative muscles. Since the last Sox Machine Podcast, we’ve been hard at work on a new show. It is called, Nine Innings, a new game show that will test your baseball knowledge.

Here is how the show works:

  • Each contestant will try to answer nine questions in a row. Ranging from very easy to very difficult.
  • There are checkpoints along the way which the contestant will earn prizes for correct answers.
  • After Question 6, the contestant will earn three hints. They can even use all three hints on a single question. Once the hints are going, they are gone.
  • If the contestant answers all nine questions correctly, they will win the Grand Prize.

We are looking for contestants. You can sign up to play Nine Innings in the form below. New Nine Innings episodes will be posted on Fridays.


  • Josh Nelson

    Josh Nelson is the host and producer of the Sox Machine Podcast. For show suggestions, guest appearances, and sponsorship opportunities, you can reach him via email at

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As Cirensica

What platform will be employed for this show. This is a great idea btw…

As Cirensica

I mean how are you gonna submit the questions? How the contestants will submit their answers? Is it gonna be live? Via Zoom? Via phone (so like a radio show)? Via the web?

That’s what I meant by which platform. :)…perhaps I should’ve used the word format

Sorry if it is obvious… I have been told that I lack imagination sometimes.


Will it be a problem that I am terrible at remembering basically anything about anything?


Could I ask that you phrase all questions in the form of “Ok google, …”


Love this idea. However, judging by my performance each Saturday with the Sporcles, particularly compared to the comment section results, I’m admittedly intimidated. Is there a potential prize for worst contestant?


My home life these days precludes me from being a contestant (as there will be A LOT of ambient noise on my side of a mike), but I look forward to listening to the show. Will Ted be PricewaterhouseCooper for this competition?

Ted Mulvey

I am involved, yes indeedy.