Sporcle Saturday: Jim Thome tribute

(Keith Allison/Flickr)

Last weekend, former White Sox and all-around-good-guy Jim Thome was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Of course, before he played for the White Sox, Thome played for the Indians (and Phillies); after, he had a good number of at-bats against the Sox with the Twins.

All told during his time as an opponent of the White Sox he hit 43 home runs against them: today’s Sporcle celebrates Jim Thome by asking you to name the pitchers who he hit those home runs off of. If you read this month’sย Random Box Score you got a bit of a leg up as two pitchers from that article also appear in today’s Sporcle. How many can you name? Good luck!

Quiz Parameters

  • I’ve given you fifteen minutes to attempt completion.
  • For hints, I’ve provided the date of the game, whether the pitcher was a starter or a reliever, and the inning in which the home run came.

Useless information to amaze, annoy, confound, and/or confuse your friends:

  • The team Thome hit the most home runs against was Detroit, with 66.
  • The pitcher Thome hit the most home runs against was Rick Reed, with 9, though he also hit 8 against Roger Clemens and 7 against Justin Verlander.
  • The very first home run of Thome’s career was against Steve Farr of the Yankees. The last? Carlos Villanueva of the Blue Jays.

Direct link here
All data from baseballreference.com


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38/43. The first two names I got were the earliest and latest dates. Hard to believe

only gave up one of these.

Only 27. I have no recollection of

Bryan Ward
Kevin Beirne


Sad day. Boomer 38 KenWo 35.


30. This makes me recall years (1998-2003) when I no longer lived in Chicago and didn’t have any MLB internet subscriptions and didn’t follow the team on any blogs. I have no real concrete memory of those teams.


I’m dumb. Nothing to see here.