Rock and a hard place

Who would you rather see win the AL Central — the Minnesota Twins or the Detroit Tigers?
I’m resigned to indifference, myself.ย  Mainly because I can’t bring myself to root for the Twins. Lord knows that this would only fuel the fire for the Twinspired jealousy that runs rampant in the White Sox’s clubhouse and broadcast booth.
However, if Detroit wins, that’s a little additional revenue for a team that sorely needs it to work around the millstone contracts of Magglio Ordonez and Dontrelle Willis. The Twins won’t be hurting for money when Target Fields opens — unless their April slate gets snowed out.
Ultimately, either option sucks. If you have a compelling argument, I could be swayed.
And in related news, Ozzie Guillen comes to Scott Merkin’s defense, while Jack McDowell pontificates on Guillen’s precarious position.


  • Jim Margalus

    Writing about the White Sox for a 16th season, first here, then at South Side Sox, and now here again. Letโ€™s talk curling.

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My ideal scenario: Both the Twins and the Tigers lose their last three. The Sox end the season on a “positive” note. The Twins don’t make the postseason (it’s never okay for the Twins to win anything ever) AND they go into the offseason knowing they had the chance and couldn’t pull it off, an added bonus. The Tigers make the first round but unless they figure out how to shake off mediocrity they get bumped by New York anyway.


I don’t have a reason either… but your scenario sounds great. those fair weather Twins fans are some irritating “fans” here in Iowa and them, just loosing out two years in a row would be great… however, I HATE the Tigers and Jim Leyland more.


My compelling arguement is I dont care who wins it, as long as the sox win 1 or 2 of the next 3 games. I bet the vegas over under on sox wins at 78, looked like a freaking lock about a month or so ago, now they have to scramble to push it or win it. Really thought detroit would win yesterday making these 3 meaningless to them and making it much more likely my bet hits but now…. who knows.
I do hate the minnesota small ball, home grown, bs crap so go detroit for 1 game, hopefully minnesota loses 1 game (grienke) and I win my bet! Then Detroit gets swept out of the playoffs which only gives them 1 game extra of revenue.


I think the Twinkees should win the division but don’t really care. Let’s give MN some credit. They play the best fundamental ball in the division and have battled hard the last two years. They do it year after year with the lowest payroll of the top 3 in the division. If the Sox had the Twins minor league system we would win it every year!!
Here’s hoping the Sox take 2 of 3 (or sweep) the Tigers!!


All I keep thinking is the Twins are kicked out of their handball court at the end of the year, no matter what happens.